Atomic Blonde, to hell with women power.
The bar was very high, I went with expectations and understanding. I had decided beforehand not to be very hard with the movie BUT:
Where you expect a John Wick there's a Colombo. It's predictable from the beginning, evolves through topics, and they completely make up an ending with no sense whatsoever.
Besides, every 30 seconds someone puts a cigarrette in his/her mouth, takes a drag, and tries to say a lapidary, days later, I'm still waiting to hear one.
I would give it a 8, in the action secenes it's superb and it's got some pretty decent sequence shots.
The soundtrack is ok, the song choices is good, but they abuse the "muffled" audio (as if you were hearing music from outside of a disco or in a fish tank). First time you hear it is cool, the kinda gets repetitive already. Besides, there is absolutely no reason for it to be there.
Barely a fifth of the movie are action scenes, but they are great.
The rest of the features of the movie, such as illumination, acting, montage and stuff I don't really feel like analisying them. There are enough for the movie to work, not really a masterpiece.
So we've got a stuntman, the director of some John Wick's scenes, we've got 300's screenwriter, and we've got great actors. We've got most of tthe ingredients to make a great movie.
But, we've got advertising too, misleading advertising. Since I saw the first trailer months ago, it was announced as a movie by John Wick's director. And that's what I was expeting, another John Wick with Charlize Theron starring it. As you can imagine, I was wrong.
The plot doesn't really know how to develop. One moment Charlize Theron fights off 10 men all by herself, walking out completely unharmed and looking all powerful, and a moment later, there's a perfect shot of her in lingerie, like a Victoria's Secret advertisement, or a shot of her having sex with a girl. I'm not against sex scenes, but I am against gratuitous scenes that bring nothing to the development of the story.
Compared to John Wick, this movie is much slower. While John Wick never sleeps and his plot is solved in a night or a day, Charlize goes to bed for a week or longer, they are different film genres, so it's understandable.
Curious fact: normally John headshoots people, while Charlize is more of a hand-to-hand combat kinda fighter, kicking specially in the balls.
The movie on its own, is not really remarkable aside of its fighting scenes. The plot isn't really intelligent, the soundtrack is ok but over-used and forced into scenes where it had nothing to do. It's got nothing to be remembered for.
Till about a year or more, I don't think anyone is going to convince me to watch it again, that person'll need pizza and beer, and I'll wake up when I hear kicking.
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