
Hellblade, review.

All the captures have been made by me. SCORE: 4.5 CROQUETTES! Heavenly Sword had two good missions, I find Enslaved boring and DMC... i'm sorry, you're not Devil May Cry 3, but aren't too bad either. Ninja Theory hadn't launch anything good for me till now. I had a lot of hype for this game and it has been able to live up to my expectations : This is FUCKING AMAZING: It's a game that gets to the point, no collectibles, no interfaces, no experience points, hability tree or any other  videogame features  that only pull you out of the experience, here there's you and your hability with the sword. The fights, God, I love how demanding they are and the great response of the controls, the movements are great and varied. Unexplained controls, I like the adventure sensation and discovering stuff by myself. It's a very intuitive game. Permadeath, this concept has caused great revolve in the Internet, but I'm really in favor of it. Dinamic d...

Little disappointments #1: Outlast 2

By the tittle you may have guessed that in the videogame's world not everything is a path of roses. Sometimes, they're rotten: Outlast 2 SCORE: 2.5 CROQUETTES! It hurts to give this game such a high score but, oh well, after all, it accomplishes its purpose.  It gives you the chills , I'll recognize that. Despite having pretty good references, it's a very lazy game that takes the easy path to scare the player. They abuse of the jumpscares and it's all choreographied, it makes you do exactly what the game designers wanted . It doesn't matter if the enemy is hundreds of kilometres away, if you trigger a script, it'll teleport. Great graphics , fuck, it does have them, but that won't give it any points. It's not at all  original , for example, it's got the typical mission of the elevator/door (obstacle) and having to restore the energy. It's  very repetitive , it barely  has three mecanics : run, hide and r...

Atomic Blonde, to hell with women power.

SCORE: 3 CROQUETTES The bar was very high, I went with expectations and understanding. I had decided beforehand not to be very hard with the movie BUT: Plot/Script: Where you expect a John Wick there's a Colombo. It's predictable from the beginning, evolves through topics, and they completely make up an ending with no sense whatsoever. Besides, every 30 seconds someone puts a cigarrette in his/her mouth, takes a drag, and tries to say a lapidary, days later, I'm still waiting to hear one. Fotography: I would give it a 8, in the action secenes it's superb and it's got some pretty decent sequence shots. Soundtrack: The soundtrack is ok, the song choices is good, but they abuse the "muffled" audio (as if you were hearing music from outside of a disco or in a fish tank). First time you hear it is cool, the kinda gets repetitive already. Besides, there is absolutely no reason for it to be there. Fights: Barely a fi...

Are videogames nowadays easier than they used to be?

Were we really THAT helpless  when we were little or do videogames nowadays take us by the hand too much ?  Neither, I think it can all be summarized in the fact that  the means have evolved:  videogames have been refined and frustrating experiences such as the camera or the movement controls have been eliminated. That's because those problems came from a limited technology, unintended. I started playing my first videogames when I was 4 years old: Tomb Raider 2 (yeah, very suitable) and Hercules, I would also finish Tarzan later on, and all of them barely knowing how to read. I've promised myself to make this little rumination without mentioning titles such as  Dark Souls, Battletoads or Ninja Gaiden . As if it wasn't hard enough to write this by its own. The idea for this came up to me while I was playing some of the old PSX's and PS2's glories, but, specifically, the first Crash Bandicoot. About a week ago I finished the remaster ...

Resident Evil 7, review

See this rice? It's "White rice with Orient flavours" served in the Yakitoro restaurant, by Alberto Chicote, in Madrid. It's the type of wonderful food I wouldn't care to be diagnosed with morbid obesity for if I could get a daily bowl of it in exchange. Starting with a simple rice, grain by grain, with the little hints of flavour granted by the polen, the nori algae, and each and one of the different spices, it manages to stand out from any other rices. Just like the piece I wanted to talk to you about today, which started from a kinda-sorta-good...ish saga and evolved into something quite interesting: Captures taken from the PC version When this game came out a lot of people accused it of not being very  Resident evilish , and I think that's the best thing that could've happened to it . It was also compared to the famous demo  Silent Hills: P.T.  but I think the biggest resemblance (and only) that it has to it is th...

Rime, review

Rime Image extracted from Xataka Let's begin then,  for those of you who don't like preambles: SCORE : 3 CROQUETTES 10 out of 10 would wank: The soundtrack, a great reason to turn up the volume and walk mindlessly, enjoying the game visuals. Pretty cool stuff: Graphics, they are not the newest ones but the game has some really brilliant moments. Not so cool stuff: Mecanics of movement, it's incredibly tedious to move sooooooooo slow. Little innovation in the platform scenarios. Puzzle design, sometimes it's hard to recognise the interactive objects. Puzzles do not follow any difficulty curve. Personally, I felt like it wasn't really deep or touching story, it tries to be kinda like Team Ico or ThatGameCompany isn't. Not cool stuff...AT ALL: Collectibles: it's not explained how to collect them. At the beginning of the game I found one, I tried every button around it and nothing worked. You could only make it work by ...